Open Day Program

A digital program for the yearly Open Day of CKC & partners. Visitors can plan their day by favouriting, searching, sorting and filtering the many activities and performances.
The Open Day kicks off the cultural year and has become a proud tradition of the cultural centre. The day is filled with a wide variety of workshops, demonstrations, and performances, so it’s important to help visitors find the activities best suited for them.
In 2019, we introduced a digital program, replacing the massive brochure of activities printed in ever smaller fonts. Through searching and filtering, visitors find just the right activities for them.

Claim your spot
Since the coronavirus pandemic, visitors are more comfortable planning their day ahead and we introduced a timeslot reservation system to play into this. Now, visitors can plan out their visit by the minute and have guaranteed access to their workshops.
Claiming a timeslot is designed to be as quick as possible. For visitors signed in with their CKC account, it’s a simple as tapping a button and seeing the confirmation email pop up in their inbox a second later.
Just before the Open Day, visitors receive a reminder email with all the information they need to attend their activities, including the exact room the activity is in.
For the organisers, the reservation system also allows quick adaptation to both over and underperformers. It’s easy to schedule some extra activities to account for a sudden influx of new drummers.

“It better not crash”
When you’re busy running an Open Day, you don’t want to second guess your digital program. That’s why it’s built on a rock-solid foundation of a Vercel hosted Next.js frontend and a Firebase database. Sendgrid ensures every confirmation email gets delivered in the blink of an eye.
Visitors sign in using the standardised CKC account system, an Auth0 backed authentication system used for all CKC & partners properties. New visitors get subtly nudged to create an account.
Feedback of our visitors was very positive. Plenty had prepared their list of 'must see' items beforehand, and more used the QR codes to quickly open up the program during the day itself. For our staff, it increased the speed with which they could find interesting activities that exactly fit that guest's interests.
When the dust settled, a combination of analytics, reservations and marketing opt-ins allowed a thorough review of the performance of each activity and the event as a whole.
The switch to a digital program also helped CKC & partners in doing its bit for the climate: each year we save over 30kg of paper.